
constructed tournament

Frequency: Weekly on Thursdays, 7pm
Cost: $5
Format: Constructed

Entry includes promo card
Prizes depend on number of players

Casual play

Frequency: Weekly on Sundays, 1–7pm
Cost: Free!

Try out your deck in a casual, low-stakes environment with other UniVersus fans.

We’ll also hold casual Sunday afternoon tournaments if we get a minimum of four players who are interested. 

About UniVersus

First released in 2006 as Universal Fighting System, UniVersus is a character-driven, multi-IP fighting card game. It takes the best moves from popular fighting video games and shows (including  Star Trek Lower Decks, Tekken 8, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Godzilla, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun Stampede, Critical Role, and more) to create strategy-intensive, combat gameplay.